
Archive for

November 2022

Dates are very rich in carbohydrates, sugar, minerals and potassium. For this reason, it is very valuable among bodybuilders. Humans need 9 milligrams of iron every day, which is 3 to 5 milligrams per 100 grams of dates. By eating a few dates a day, the iron needed by the body is supplied. Iron restores […]


What to eat after exercise?   drink fluids again; But here are liquids that have simple carbohydrates. such as orange juice and other fruit juices; It means liquids that contain carbohydrates and electrolytes such as sodium and potassium in addition to water. Post-workout snacks  carbohydrate You have burned a lot of carbohydrates by exercising; That […]


What are the benefits of date milk for the body? Prevent cancer Another property of date milk for the body is to prevent cancer and infectious diseases. This nutritious and delicious combination can prevent the damage of free radicals to body cells. Useful for children’s development Milk and dates have minerals and protein needed for […]


walnut Eat walnuts, walnuts keep Alzheimer’s away from your brain. Walnuts are rich in vitamin E and minerals. Consuming a small amount of it a day will help increase your health and develop brain function and memory. When someone asks what to eat to improve memory, the first thing that comes to most people’s minds […]


Dark Chocolate Don’t get too excited, not every chocolate is good for the body. But dark chocolates are rich in antioxidants and have high anti-inflammatory properties and play an effective role in reducing blood pressure and improving blood circulation in the brain and heart.   Don’t forget that we don’t mean the variety of sweet […]


Keeping dates in a container with a lid Store soft and juicy dates in the freezer. Use containers with lids to store dates in the freezer. These types of containers can be glass or plastic.   Plastic containers can even include plastic ones with lids that you can easily put dates in and close the […]